Monday, May 21, 2007

Reflection on Flea Market Page on Wikipedia

As a flea market vendor I felt it was neccessary to ad to the wikipedia community under flea market. Similar to my other wikis, their has been a minimal evolution to the flea market page. However, thats not to say people are not paying attention. When I put on some information about one of the biggest flea markets in the nation, Stormville Airport Flea market one wiki user immediately took it off. I think I understand why. That is wiki users don't want to see such pages being used for people to just try to gain exposure if it isn't neccessarily relevant. However, I place little value on getting Stormville Airport Flea Market any more exposure and feel this is important to this page. I also added what one should look for at flea markets as far as merchandise and said a little something about counterfiets and bootlegs as it is important customers go into such a shopping experience educated.

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